Samstag, 20. September 2014

The Golden Gate Park - picture post

The last weekends were filled with trips to the Golden Gate Park a huge recreational area right in the middle of San Francisco with museums and small gardens. On the first trip family mostly walked around, the touristy japanese garden was of course visited and family made it to the top of Strawberry hill. We had to come back for a pedal boat tour on the lake and a visit of the museum of science. Here are some impressions:

GGP flora 1

This made me think of my grandpa whom I miss so much


Apparently they do not discuss their t-shirt choices in the morning, helps me to keep them together, though ;)

Sun watch at GGP

At the museum of Modern Art

Palm trees :)

Japanese garden 1

Japanese garden 2

Strawberry Hill 1

Strawberry Hill 2

Turtle :) at the lake

Museum of Science 1

Museum of Science 2

Museum of Science 3

A new adventure starts

I haven't been posting for awhile and it seems about time to update everyone on what has happened in our life.
We decided to continue our journey West. So in August we packed up our belongings into one U-box, not that everything fitted in there. I found things we did not even use for 2 years, but for some reason thought I couldn't live without when we moved to LI. So that went away! There was no room for the bikes either, so the best husband ever, will finally have to buy a new one (fyi, his old bike was approx. as old as he is ;))
Anyhow, everything packed, the U-box went to the UHaul station and was loaded on a truck and arrived 2 weeks later in South San Francisco.
The U-box leaving the Oak Drive

We arrived 2 weeks before the box to find us a new home. Rents are ridiculously  high here. So we used the same method which proved to be working already on LI. We first decided on the school district and than looked within that region for something payable. After a week we were successful, unfortunately we had to wait until September 2nd to move in.
The school district did not want to enroll the kids unless they were living in the school district, even-though we already had the signed lease. So family moved into Motel6 right next to the highway, something payable for almost 3 weeks, but the kids were able to attend school from the very first day on.
The week before the school start, I spent with the kids getting to know the region. We spent a lot of time in the parks to play soccer and hiking. We did a tour to the Exploratorium at Pier 15 in San Francisco. We meet a nice british family who also just moved here and had a great soccer match. From which I mostly remember one of the british boys saying: "I'm the keeper. I'm Neuer!" 

K in the Exploratorium

A day before school start we finally got the school assignments, both boys in different schools, no school bus service and the same starting time, yeah well. 4 days after school start P was able to switch into Ks school. They both have excellent teachers, very committed to their class. The school is within walking distance, which is great! P will most likely start learning the trumpet and both will start Chess class. We were very lucky to find a nice Taekwondo-place just minutes from our new home. 
Unpacking in the new appartment

The best husband enjoys being able to work in the office after 2 long years of home office. I have the endless commute, which I try to fill with reading papers, e-mailing, finish up work and finally regularly reading non work related stuff :)
The drift wood playground at San Gregorio beach

The 3 california beach boys

Hike in Napa Valley

Hike near Hayward 1
Hike near Hayward 2

What can I say - it's always sunny in California and we are happy that we got the chance to go on this new journey. We left again behind beautiful people and we are truly happy to have meet each and everyone of them. We hope we stay in touch!

Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2014

California - the last days

Here comes another picture post. These were the last days of our California adventure road trip. Family had a close meeting with the sea elephants, Monarchs and a bunch of birds, we don't know the names of. We were hiking in the Redwoods, and Frau was again really impressed by the kids, running 12 km through the forest without complaining. Enjoy!

Sea elephant 1

Sea elephant 2

Brewer's Black Bird

Julia Pfeiffer-Burns State Park - beach side 1

Julia Pfeiffer-Burns State Park -  beach side 2

Julia Pfeiffer-Burns State Park - Redwoods 

Tree texture

Let's rest a bit at Julia Pfeiffer-Burns State Park

Carmel at the sea

At the Monarchs in Pacific Grove

Beach at Pacific Grove

Clams at Pacific Grove beach 1

Clams at Pacific Grove beach 2

More wild life at Pacific Grove beach

Bird (Snowy Egret) in Monterey 1

Bird (Great Blue Heron) in Monterey 2

Bird ( Black Crowned Night Heron) in  Monterey 3

Bird (Scaled Quail) in Monterey 4

The forest of Nisene Mark State Park 1

The forest of Nisene Mark State Park 2

Dienstag, 18. Februar 2014

California - day 5

Der fuenfte Tag stand ganz im Zeichen von californischer Geschichte. Familie machte sich auf den Weg zur einzigen noch vollstaendigen Mission in Californien, La Purisima. Im Jahr 1941 wurde die Mission, nach 7 Jahren Restaurierungen mit original Baumethoden der Erbauungszeit (also ca. 1812), als State Historic Park wiedereroeffnet.
Heute konnte Familie alle Gebaeude, den Gewuerzgarten und Staelle zur Viehhaltung besuchen. Die Mission diente der Bekehrung der ansaessigen Chumash Indianer und dem Handel. Der Park setzt sich sehr kritisch mit der Geschichte der spanischen Missionare auseinander und macht das damalige Leben wieder sehr lebendig. 
Heute leben neben einigen Schafen, Kuehen, Eseln und Schweinen so einiges wildes Getier, Bluebirds, Erdmaennchen, Maulwuerfe und vieles mehr, auf dem Gelaende der Mission.
Danach ging es noch kurz nach Lompoc um einen kleine Kaffee zu trinken und Familie landete in "Sissy's Cafe" - gutes Essen, super Service, hoffentlich gute Weinempfehlung. 
Als finale Station fuer heute war Cambria geplant und so ging es wieder Richtung Norden auf dem Highway 1. Familie kam gerade rechtzeitig an um noch den Sonnenuntergang ueber dem Pacific zu geniessen. Eine kurze Pause gab es vorher noch am Pismo beach, Frau hatte vom Highway die Duenen gesichtet, die sehr imposant aussahen, aber leider nur von Weitem. Bei genauerer Betrachtung entpuppte sich der Strand als Spielplatz fuer grosse Jungs, die dort ihre Allrad-angetriebenen-Fahrzeuge spazieren fahren koennen, leider sassen dazwischen Familien mit kleinen Kindern. Fuer Frau kam da kein richtiges Strandgefuehl auf und so ging es schnell weiter nach Cambria. Angekommen und nach Sonnenuntergang, gab es ein leckeres Abendessen in Linn's Eatery und dann ging es ins Bluebird Inn: Gute Nacht Cambria!


Around the Soldier Quarters

Soldier and Craftsmen quaters

Bread oven

They cheat on the water supply these days

Priest housing 

Is this really Rosemary?

In front of the priest housing


Other birds

Kindergarten kid art

Time to play

This thing lives there
Wild life 1

Wild life 2

Pismo beach 1

Pismo beach 2

Sunset at Cambria