So, nachdem Frau jetzt schon zweimal von ihrem wild fiependem Telefone geweckt wurde, hier ein Update zu unserer Situation und Sandy.
Bis Freitag Vormittag hatte Frau ja noch keine Ahnung was da kommt und war recht überrascht als die erste Mail zur Hurrikane Warnung eintrudelte: Hinweis, checken sie regelmäßig die Website zur Laboröffnung, bereiten sie sich auf den Hurrikan vor mit den üblichen Maßnahmen.
Um ehrlich zu sein, habt Familie gedacht, dass das nur Panikmache ist. Dann habt Familie die leeren Regale im Supermarkt gesehen und dachte - mmmhhhh das ist vielleicht ernster.
Wasserabteilung im King Kullen |
Also, Familie ist eingedeckt mit Trinkwasser, reicht sicher bis ins nächste Jahrhundert, aber testen will Familie das nicht. Futter ist auch da und es ist ein Kamin vorhanden und Holz, wir werden irgendwie kochen können, falls alles ausfällt.
Am Sonntagnachmittag kam dann erst die Nachricht von der Schule, dass Montag und Dienstag das Schulkind frei hat und am Abend dann auch sturmfrei für die Frau, erstmal bis Mittwoch 11am. Dann die Mail von der Stromversorgungsfirma:
Hurricane Sandy remains a threat to Long Island and the effects will start to be felt later today. Strong winds, including gusts as strong as 70 MPH, heavy rains, and flooding are likely. The worst of the storm will be felt on Monday and Tuesday.
The weather expected from this storm can bring down trees, and with them power lines. There is a potential for significant damage and a large number of power outages. Based on the severity and current track of the storm we urge customers to prepare and plan for the possibility of power outages lasting as long as 7 to 10 days. Our workforce is ready and we have brought in additional workers from both on and off Long Island.
While we will restore power to the maximum extent possible, the safety of the public and our workforce is the highest priority. During periods of dangerous storm conditions, our ability to respond to power outages and provide information about when power will be restored will be limited. |
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If you lose power, please report it to Stromversorgung immediately, 24/7, using any of the following methods:
- Online at The site is also optimized for Web-enabled mobile device.
- By text message to 695472 ( MyStromversorgung). Text "REG" now if you have not already completed the FREE registration for your account.
- By phone at 1-800-490-0075.
An informational video about our approach to power restoration is available here.
Given the high potential for this storm to bring down electric wires, it is critically important that you follow these safety tips:
- Never go near or touch any downed wire and treat it as if it is a live electric wire. Even if it is not, it could be in contact with an electric wire.
- If you see a downed wire, call Stromversorgung immediately at 1-800-490-0075.
- If you are in a car and a wire falls on it, do not touch the metal frame of the car, honk your horn, ask someone to call the police, and wait until help arrives.
Stay tuned for announcements from municipal officials regarding possible evacuation orders, particularly in coastal areas. Based on the decision of local officials to evacuate Fire Island, Stromversorgung is shutting off all power in that area for the safety of emergency responders. We will coordinate with local officials if any other areas are affected by evacuation orders. In the event you are asked to evacuate, you should turn off any non-essential appliances to minimize any impact to the electric system when service is restored.
Please note, so that all employees can support storm restoration, our walk-in customer offices will be closed tomorrow and Tuesday, and perhaps longer. Check our Web site or call our automated phone system for updates.
We will continue to keep our customers updated via phone calls, e-mail, online, Facebook, and Twitter, and through the media.
Take action now
- Stock up on bottled water and non-perishable foods. Have a manual can opener available.
- Keep flashlights and extra batteries handy.
- Bring in or secure any outdoor items that could be picked up by strong winds, including patio furniture, trash cans. Don't forget about Halloween decorations.
- Fully charge mobile phones and laptop computers while you have power. Know the location of car chargers, since your car could become the only source of power.
Refrigeration tips
- Turn your refrigerator and/or freezer to the coldest setting now to maintain food-preserving temperatures should power be lost.
- Minimize opening and closing the doors if you lose power.
- Food in a fully-loaded freezer can last up to two days without power; one day if half-full.
- If you have empty space in your freezer, fill that space with plastic bottles filled with water.
Generator Safety
- Always follow the manufacturer's instructions.
- A generator should only be used outside on stable ground and away from any windows and vents to prevent deadly fumes from entering the home through an opening.
- Do not connect the generator to your home's wiring. Power can flow out of your home into the electric system creating a hazard for crews working in the area.
Ok, bei der Ansage 7-8 Tage ohne Strom wurde Familie schon anders, aber wir werden sehen was kommt, weg kann Familie jetzt nicht mehr.
Familie sitzt also zu Hause fest und freut sich über Skype Anrufe ab ca. 10 Uhr morgens, was in good old Europe zur Zeit so gegen 15 Uhr ist so lange die Stromleitung hält!